Don't be afraid your life will end ;be afraid that it will never begin.




× 有时候解释是不必要的---敌人不信你的解释,朋友无需你的解释。

× 与其做伪君子,不如做真小人

× 有些事情在长大以后,自然就会懂了...但有更多事情,只有经历过才能明白...

× 当你问我爱不爱你时,我总喜欢笑着带过...不回答不是因为不爱你,只是想看看你那着急的样子,让我知道 你爱我。

× 刻骨铭心的爱离去以后,留下的也是刻骨铭心的痛





× A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

× I wish LOVE was like a volleyball. When you say ''MINE,'' everyone would back off, and the ball would be all yours. But it is not, because love s like a basketball. Everyone's aiming for it. And if you don't know how to hold the ball well, others will steal it from you.



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